Friday 26 September 2014

London Montages | Vicky Holmes

As part of one of my college projects, I had to interpret my own meaning of the word "montages" and create montages from that meaning. I believe that montage or collage photography is whatever you want it to be. I think that montages should be similar to those that Serge Mendzhiyskogo and David Hockney creates however, if you think differently then you could be right also.

For this project, I decided to follow in Serge Mendzhiyskogo's footsteps and shoot around the City of London from the London Eye, to Westminster, to Piccadilly Circus. Although being a little lopsided, I think that the montages that I have created are fairly interesting from a different point of view than only one image.

London Eye Montage:

Piccadilly Circus Montage:

Westminster Montage:

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